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We will ship internationally

Payment method can use paypal or credit card.
※Limited to customers that you are in possession of a personal account.

Our paypalaccount is info@organ-w.com.

Total bill amount is: Total price of items + shipping fee.

We can not make a mark on "gifts" and send it.
We make a mark on "merchandises" and send it.

We can not change "Total Value" of invoice.

It takes 48 hours to confirm payment.

You will receive an e-mail regarding the payment via PayPal.
Please click the link to the PayPal website on the e-mail, and settle the payment within 3days.

Customs duty and other taxes may be levied when the shipment reaches your country.
If applicable, please pay those costs directly to the delivery agents or the customs office.
Policies on those taxes vary in each country.
Please contact the customs office at your country for more details.

It can not be returned or exchanged.

I will send by EMS ship internationally.

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